Tickets on sale today

Tickets to the 2014 Aurealis Awards Ceremony now on sale!

The ceremony will take place 11 April 2015 at University House, Canberra, Australia, starting at 7pm.

If you buy your ticket before 11 March 2015, it costs just $40. Otherwise, the full ticket price will be $50.

Buy tickets.

As there has been some questions asked because Supanova Melbourne has been scheduled for the same weekend, I’d like to talk about why we’re sticking with the date of 11 April.

I’ve looked at the possibility of moving the ceremony but it can’t be done. Firstly, it would necessitate a change of venue, meaning a loss of the deposit already paid by Conflux. Secondly, it can’t be moved forward because of both Swancon and the timetable set up for the judges and nominations of finalists. It can’t be moved backwards either, as that will require someone else to take over convening the awards as I won’t be available to do so. Finally, there are people who have already made travel arrangements to come to Canberra based on that date and it’s not fair to them to move it.

Knowing that there is a clash and thus the numbers of people who attend the ceremony will probably be reduced means we’re abandoning the idea of having a dinner ceremony (as was previously advertised) and going back to the traditional cocktail reception then award ceremony as it’s much more financially viable.

I am sorry for those disappointed by this, but unfortunately in this circumstance there is nothing we can do but keep it where it is.

Nicole Murphy
Convenor, 2014 Aurealis Awards

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2 Responses to Tickets on sale today

  1. riedstrap says:

    Reblogged this on Write or Wrong and commented:
    On Sale Now.


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